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Free email
Posted by Muslim on Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tips Tricks
Casio's Bluetooth 4.0 G-Shock
Posted by Muslim on Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The latest G-Shock watch from Casio boasts the usual array of shock and water-resistant claims, and now it can add FCC acceptance to the list, having passed through that government agency's approval process. So, why did [...]
Casio News
Casio's solar-powered Pathfinder watch
Posted by Muslim
Plotting their latest spread of watches this spring, Casio executives decided it was time to "go green." Some poor schmuck in R&D took them at their word. Thankfully for mother nature, the Casio Pathfinder PRG110C-3 [...]
Casio News
Casio's Poptone Cubic Puzzle watch
Posted by Muslim
Alright, so Casio's new Poptone Cubic Puzzle watch may not actually contain any puzzles (or games of any sort, for that matter), but it does boasts some buttons that kind of, sort of resemble Tetris pieces, and it in [...]
Casio News
Magic Watch Casio
Posted by Muslim
Just when we were beginning to think that the well of watch innovation had run dry, Casio comes along and renews our faith in multi-use timepieces, with a watch that not only tells time, but does magic! The appropriately-named [...]
Casio News
Casio debuts Prizm graphing calculator
Posted by Muslim
Texas Instruments recently rocked the graphing calculator world by adding a touchpad to its TI-Nspire calculator, and Casio has now come back with a technological revolution of its own: a high-res color screen. Of course, [...]
Casio News