Broccoli is a vegetable of the cabbage family which is eaten stems and flowers. These are tightened in small bunches and give the appearance of a miniature tree. Indeed, the word "broccoli" comes from the plural of the Italian word "Broccolo" itself a diminutive of the word "brocco" meaning grows.
Already the Romans knew this vegetable that grew wild on the Mediterranean coast (they had also called bracchium, "which means branch). Very popular in Italy since antiquity, broccoli wins France in the sixteenth century (thanks to the wife of King Henry II, Catherine de Medici) and later England and North America.
In this regard, it should be noted that for the sale of fresh, harvesting is done by hand while the broccoli used in industry are harvested mechanically. This partly explains the relatively high cost of this vegetable. However, this does not prevent its consumption to grow more and more.
Indeed, broccoli tastes finer than the cauliflower and its culinary uses are many. It may first be eaten raw with lemon juice or orange juice, pepper and olive oil, but it is also delicious cooked and can be eaten as is, as an accompaniment to white meat or prepared au gratin with bechamel sauce and gruyere, and can also come to fill a quiche or an omelet.
Even the stem of broccoli can be consumed, and for this it is cooked and cut into sticks presented as an asparagus. However to enjoy this vegetable maximum care must be taken not to cook too long: 5 minutes to steam, from 7 to 10 in boiling water or 6-8 in the microwave is enough.
Moreover, this short cooking preserves the nutritional qualities of this real health food. Indeed, broccoli, low in calories because of its water content to 92%, is a very beneficial food. First, it is very rich in vitamin C (especially when consumed raw) and has other interesting vitamins such as vitamin E, vitamin K, B vitamins and provitamin A sought after for its antioxidant properties.
Moreover, it is a vegetable full of minerals, the most important is potassium followed by calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Like other cabbages, broccoli sulfur compounds which have beneficial action in cancer prevention is recognized. Its high fiber content also helps prevent colon cancer by facilitating intestinal transit. Thus, through the elements which constitute it, broccoli is recommended to fight against fatigue and help eliminate toxins. It is therefore to consume without moderation.
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