Preserving the Ecological Balance Inside Your Mouth

Posted by Muslim on Friday, August 19, 2011

We all know the importance of clean air, fresh, wholesome food and pure water, the three most important things in life!  But do we realize that the QUALITY of our air, food and water is what matters most?  And if we do recognize that quality is essential do we know why?  Do we understand at a molecular level what oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and other elements are actually doing, needed and in what amounts?  And when we do know, are we aware of how to use them to maximize health and minimize disease?  This is the essence of biology, chemistry and LIFESTYLE MEDICINE!  Using simple but essential elements in our life, to increase our health, performance and longevity!  So simple, yet so complex and so misunderstood!

Unless you’re prepared to go back to school or devote most of your days researching you probably need a team of healthcare professionals who can do the research for you!  The  essence of biological dentistry, naturopathic nutrition, energy and informational medicine and functional lab testing is simply understanding how to assemble natural ingredients in a way that maximizes health and wellness!

One of the most important aspects of a LIFESTYLE MEDICINE program involves regular, and medically supervised detoxification.

Among the many methods that can be used to initiate the gentle removal of toxic poisons that accumulate in the body and contribute to disease, degeneration, and ageing in addition to physical removal of teeth and mercury are:


  • Bio-Resonance Quantum Biofeedback

  • Chelation Therapies, IV versus  oral Supplements

  • Detox Soaks, Clay or mud baths, wraps or packs

  • Colonics and Enemas

  • Juicing and cleansing diets

  • Homeopathic drainage

  • Herbal detox , Detox Foot Pads and Ionic foot baths

  • Alkaline water machines and Fasting

  • Near and Far Infrared Sauna

OZONE is the naturally occurring elemental form of oxygen that forms in response to ultraviolet energy or in the presence of lightning.  It is the result of a temporary repatterning of oxygen atoms into groups of three.  Ozone generators simulate lightning using an electrical discharge field.  Ozone has a protective influence on the earth and all life forms on the earth , from single celled amoebas to complex human forms.  Ozone absorbs harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun in order for life forms to survive the scorching rays and harmful electromagnetic emissions in our atmosphere.  Ozone forms at ground level as a result of the reaction between these ultraviolet lightwaves and the hydrocarbons, nitrogen-oxide and sulfur compounds produced in industry and the process of living.  Ozone helps clean the air so we can safely consume the oxygen in the atmosphere!  Without ozone, anaerobic microbes would literally destroy the ecosystem and create an environment in which you and I could not survive.

Ozone is a powerful oxidizer making it highly effective in the control of bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites inside and outside the human body.  The goal of any biological system is ecological balance, and in this instance the battle  between microbial populations and all other kingdoms that share planet earth.  Ecology is essential to life and health inside and outside the body and ozone occurs naturally to help preserve this ecological balance and ensure the procreation of life.

Medical grade oxygen has been used effectively for many years in conventional medical practices.  Today, the use of medical grade ozone is being recognized as equally as effective in the control of microbial populations in the mouth.    Because of ozone’s physical properties, with the ratio of ozone to oxygen being extremely low, it can easily be directed with precision to effectively regulate bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections in, around and in between teeth and gum pockets around the teeth or on the tongue.

Oral infections are a continual battle in both soft and hard tissues of the mouth.  Infections stem from single organisms or combinations of many.  In the early stages of dental work it’s essential to identify and control infections at both the focal and the systemic level in order to have a successful outcome.  Acute and long standing chronic infections of any kind can interfere with the success of healing.  An infection anywhere in the body impacts the immune system and if overlooked can be the primary cause of poor wound healing, recurring cavities, gum disease, failed implants and reinfection of the afflicted tissues or teeth.

Oxygen and its energized form, ozone, weakens and penetrates the protective membrane surrounding microbial colonies inside the mouth where organisms sequester to avoid annihilation by the immune system.  Ozone exposes the contents of pathogenic colonies to both the immunologic system and highly concentrated oxygen so they can effectively be eliminated.  One of the most amazing biochemical and physiological studies conducted at Scripps Institute recently showed how antibodies actually produce ozone to protect themselves from invading microorganisms.  When these biofilms are perforated the bacteria can no longer hide from circulating antibodies that attach to identification pathogens and they are exposed to the deadly ozone.

In reality, we are now duplicating nature’s work within our dental standard of care.  By integrating alternative and holistic therapies into dentistry, we can combine sound, evidence-based science with natural methods.  The therapeutic goals of LIFESTYLE MEDICINE are inclusive rather than exclusive of standard of care and include:

  • Elimination of pathogens

  • Restoration of proper oxygen metabolism

  • Induction of a friendly ecological environment

  • Increased circulation and flow of energy

  • Immune activation and

  • Stimulation of the humoral anti-oxidant system.

OZONE THERAPY is an exciting method of naturally preserving the ecology of the mouth, gums, teeth and entire oral cavity and it’s now available in Temecula, as part of the holistic services offered through biological dentistry and LIFESTYLE MEDICINE.  We will continue to provide you with informative articles that combine innovative natural methods for regeneration and detoxification of the body, mind and environment!

Adding oxygen/ozone therapy in dentistry offers a multiplicity of protocols to deal with dental infection in order to optimize results and ensure positive outcomes for the patient.   By working in ALLIANCE with seasoned professionals the patient can enjoy comprehensive care for the whole body, mind and even their environment.  Please watch for our next article about combining the use of bio-resonance and quantum biofeedback to identify where stress is held in the teeth, gums and acupuncture meridians that connect the teeth to the entire body and discover how you can integrated this effective method into your own lifestyle to optimize detoxification and improve systemic healing.

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