Choose a Web Host
Once you have your domain name, you will need to choose a web host. It is very important that you choose a good web host. Good doesn’t mean expensive. Good means reliable with great support. We can also choose Business web hosting for business use with high uptime
Some people try to save money and choose to go with a free web host. They usually realize pretty quickly what a huge mistake that is. As I noted in the domain section, I’m all for free whenever possible, but free web hosting will end up costing much more than you save.
What is a Web Host?
A web host stores the web site you create on their servers and transmits it to the internet so that when someone types in your domain name, your web site appears. A server is just a fancy computer that “serves up” your web site to the internet.
How to Choose a Good Web Host
Again, I can’t stress how important it is that you choose a good web host. But, let’s face it - how do you know if a web host is good or not? They all look pretty much the same and they seem like they know what they are doing, right? Well, there is one thing you can check on before you sign up and luckily it’s one of the most important things.
When you choose a web host, make sure they have excellent support. If you have a problem with your web site you want help now, not in a day or two.
Personally, I refuse to choose a web host that I can’t get on the phone in an emergency. Some web hosts are sneaky and they put a phone number on their web site, but it’s just for show. They don’t always answer or they advertise 24/7 support but are actually only around Monday-Friday. When I first started out, my site went down on a Friday afternoon and I called ALL weekend and all I got was hold music. They put me on hold, but no one was there! Needless to say that was it for that web host.
So, how can you tell how responsive the web host you are considering actually is? You test them. If they have a phone number (and they should) call them late at night or on weekends to see if they are really there.
You can also send an e-mail to their support e-mail address (not their sales e-mail) and ask them a basic question like “How many e-mail addresses am I allowed?” or “Is there a limit on the number of autoresponders I’m allowed?” and see how long it takes them to get back to you. For a non-emergency email like that I think up to 12 hours is acceptable. If you send the e-mail on Saturday and they don’t get back to you until Monday, that isn’t good. If they take more than 12 hours and either don’t have phone support or aren’t answering, choose another web host.
Web Host Do’s and Don’ts
Once you choose a web host, then you will have to decide what plan you want. Most web hosts offer you several different plans and obviously want you to buy the more expensive one.
- Do get the least expensive plan. Most people buy the larger plans because they aren’t sure how much space they need and the space in the smaller plans just doesn’t sound like much. 10 mb is plenty for most first web sites. If you want to be sure, then choose a plan around 50 mb. 50 mb is a HUGE amount of space. If you get that you will be fine.
- Don’t get caught up in what the various hosts offer like PHP, MySQL and a bunch of other stuff like that. If you don’t know what those things are you don’t need them.
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