Best Herbal and Natural Menopause Supplements

Posted by Muslim on Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Menopause is a medical term commonly used for describing a transition period in woman's life. It is a period of time when ovaries ceases to produce eggs or stops ovulation. Symptoms of menopause vary form person to person. Night sweating, vaginal dryness, hot flushes, osteoporosis and mood swings are some of the reported symptoms during menopause time. Today, there are lots of menopause supplements available in market. Before picking a menopause supplement from market, it is advised to evaluate the symptom you face. 

Studies say that, a woman should choose her supplement suited for her condition by analyzing the symptom. Both physical and psychological symptoms play equally vital roles in lifestyle changes. Intake of menopause supplement helps in regaining control over body's changes. Now, let's see in detail the best supplements used for curing physical and mental problems associated with menopause time period.

St John's wort is one of the widely recommended menopause supplements for eliminating depression. This herbal remedy, also known as Tipton's weed or chase-devil is a perfect medicine for curing menopause troubles. Boosting energy levels, alleviating stress, fighting against harmful bacteria, curing insomnia and depression are some of the highlighting benefits of St John's wort. It is advised to intake 900 mg of St John's wort capsule per day for attaining good results. Valerian is another dietary supplement commonly suggested for curing menopause effects.

Nowadays, extract of this tough perennial plant is commonly available in the form of teas and capsules in market. It is an effective medicine used for relaxing central nervous system and muscle groups. Valerian root extract when consumed with passion flower is a best cure for inducing sleep and suppressing anxiety. Physicians suggest valerian as one of the safest medicines for suppressing menopause troubles.

Black cohosh is an important menopause supplement approved by doctors from all over the world. This herbal supplement belonging to buttercup family is well known in the names of fairy candle and black snake root. It is a perfect medicine for alleviating menopause symptoms. Intake of black cohosh supplements prevents night sweats, hot flashes and mild mood changes. Curing stomach problems, correcting menstrual irregularities, preventing infertility and curing sleep disturbances are some of the key benefits of using black cohosh root extract.

Vitamin E is one among the commonly suggested menopause supplements by physicians. It is a good cure for sleep disturbances and anxiety attacks. Powerful anti oxidant property present in vitamin E prevents damage of cells and tissues in body. Wheat, oats and vegetable oils like canola and sunflower are some of the food items rich in vitamin E. Intake of vitamin E capsules as per the guidance of physician reduce menopausal hot flashes. Consuming this nutritive supplement at mealtime ensures better absorption into body cells. Soy is another widely recommended menopausal supplement which prevents hot flashes. Studies say that those who consume large amounts of soy based phytoestrogens have lesser menopausal discomforts. It is recommended to intake soy supplement for 4 to 12 weeks for attaining good results.

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Read about Menopause Symptoms Relief Supplement. Also know about Vaginal Tightening Pills. Read about natural Female Libido Enhancer.

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