As people get older so does their body and everything inside of it including their ears. If you are over age 60 and you have been listening to loud things most of your life you will soon start to hear ringing in your ears. This ringing is called tinnitus as the main cause of it is the weakened ear drums and the nonstop vibrations they cause.
Most adults will experience some form of tinnitus, it may not be as severe as others but they will almost always experience it. The reason why adults experience tinnitus is because of many reasons. There are not usually cases of tinnitus in younger people and doctors say this is because now days people understand about decibels and what they can do to your hearing. The higher the decibels the longer your ears will ring which is a huge reason for tinnitus.
Another cause of tinnitus in adults is the fact that they have more stress than any other age group. The reason why adults have so much stress is mainly reflected on money and families as opposed to teens who stress out about relationships and homework. The stress level causes your system to over exaggerate everything which when done to your hearing it will cause slight ringing in your ears. If you only have this ringing for a short time then this is great, you don’t want to have severe tinnitus where you only hear constant ringing or buzzing.
Something I want to make sure you understand is that determining whether you have tinnitus can be a tricky thing and it would probably be better to see a doctor and have them hook you up to a machine. Having tinnitus is not the end of the world and the best part about having it now is that there are so many advancements in technology and medicine that there is a cure for you.
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Kristy is a work at home mom of 2 and previous tinnitus sufferer. If you are seeking information on anears ringing treatment please visit our site at
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