Want an idea for making lots of money for less than an hour of work…if you could honestly call it “work”? How about making money talking about topics that you’re already passionate about? How about also getting paid for having conversations with people that you hold in high esteem?
In just a minute I’ll give you an easy formula for making money by interviewing experts in your niche.
Before I do I need to tell you about an awesome product that you need to make this idea work very effortlessly.
Visit Audio Acrobat to set up an account so that you’ll be able to record your interviews and make them available to your paying customers. After you get that set up here’s what you’ll need to do next.
- Depending upon the size of your niche, identify 10-20 people who you consider experts.
- Visit the online forums where people in your niche come to get help or offer advice. Take notice of the types of questions that are asked repetitively, the things that people struggle to accomplish or the goals that they set.
- Based on your findings write down a few questions that you’d like to ask each expert.
- Contact the experts to arrange an interview. Give him/her a list of the questions that you’d like to ask. Let them know the reason why you want to do the interview, i.e., for a membership site, for a new product, etc.
- Call the expert at the appointed time and record the interview.
- Do some basic editing on the interview to give it professional sounding quality.
- Set up the sales process then let your niche audience know that the interview is available for purchase.
After you go through the steps that I’ve listed above just rinse and repeat with each of the remaining experts on your list. Within a few weeks you should have at least 10 interviews completed. This is enough original material to add to a membership site and start receiving recurring income for the next couple of months. Continue doing the same and add more interviews as you go along.
Your income will continue to grow while you do something very enjoyable.
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