You Can Make Money Online Doing Anything You Want

Posted by Muslim on Friday, September 2, 2011

I often get people asking me the following question: “What is the best way to make money online?”  They wonder if they should focus on blogging, affiliate marketing, search engine optimization, web design, selling ebooks, or what.

My short answer to that question is: there is no “best” way. All business models can work if you work hard, smartly, and persistently.

The proof to this is the fact that you have millionaires on virtually any segment and business model around.
You have millionaire bloggers, affiliate marketers, web designers, ebook sellers, SEOs and so on.

What is more interesting ?? there are people out there making a ton of money even with trivial services like directory submissions. Anyone can make directory submissions, yet I know people who make six figures annually by offering directory submission services.

Now don’t get the wrong idea. I am not saying that making money online on any segment is easy. It is hard. But it is pretty much equally hard, regardless of the business model or segment you choose.

The takeaway message from this post, therefore, is the following:
Don't stress trying to choose the “best” way to make money online. And more importantly, don’t let that choice paralyze you.
There is no “best” way or business model. Just choose something that you like to do, something that you are passionate about, and work damn hard at it. Work hard until you are among the best doing that. Once you reach that point, the money will come naturally.

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